Acted International Foundation
Who we are
The “Acted International” Foundation was born out of the conviction of its founders: on a global scale, sustainable development can only be achieved by acting today and investing in people’s potential.
The Foundation’s actions are therefore guided by a number of key objectives:
- meet the needs of populations while respecting their dignity,
- promote and implement opportunities for sustainable development,
- anticipate expectations
- facilitate the convergence of actors.
The Foundation’s actions are guided by 4 fondamental values, being:
- Responsable
- Impactful
- Enterprising
- Inspiring
What we do
The Foundation aims at:
▪ carrying out any action contributing to humanitarian aid and the development of the countries concerned directly or indirectly through affiliated structures created for this purpose or partners of the Foundation;
▪ supporting or carrying out any action of solidarity, both in Belgium and abroad, in the humanitarian social, cultural, economic and environmental fields;
▪ supporting development and research projects, public awareness campaigns and and advocacy campaigns aimed at decision-makers, both in Belgium and abroad;
▪ coordinating the action of the various structures affiliated to the Foundation and to determine guidelines for the action plans to be followed.

“The Acted International Foundation, founded on December 27, 2017, was recognized as a public utility by royal decree on May 4, 2018 and is run by a Board of Directors made up of 4 founders: Marie-Pierre Caley (President), Eric Deschoenmaeker (Treasurer), Frédéric Roussel (Vice-President) and Shahir Zahine (Administrator).
Our actions
Earthquake in Morocco: how we respond to the urgent needs of affected populations